Exactly. I grew up in a county that grew peanuts. Peanut dust everywhere. Some form of peanuts on every single school lunchroom tray. Free government peanut butter given out to everyone after the poor people got their share. No one ever heard of peanut allergy. No one died. No one heard of 99% of the weird allergies people claim to have these days. Not every kid in school had ADHD and on 50 kinds of meds. Not saying that ADHD didn't exist or that people never had allergies but the numbers from yesterday and today are ridiculously out of whack.
I noticed these nanny bubbles beginning 20 years ago when I let our kids go down the big slide at the park. It was a really BIG slide built down the side of a hill and had been there for decades with no fatalities. Thing was, it was so slow you had to scoot to get going again in places but that didn't stop the other park mamas from lecturing me. Never mind those mamas were letting their kids climb steps to the regular slide which was 4 times higher off the ground. I was also lectured about letting our kids walk down the street to grandma's house alone. Where did those lectureres grow up? I grew up playing all over town from sun up to sun down without a cell phone and without supervision. I never wore knee pads or a helmet. Yes, I fell off my bike a few times but climbed back on without anyone calling the ER or CPS. Amazing how humans have managed to survive all these millions of years.
During summer, my mom would kick us out of the house and told us only to come back for lunch and be back for dinner.