It's a noble thought, and some people are working on it, however the technology to divert an asteroid away from Earth is the exact same technology needed to steer it directly into Earth to completely annihilate an enemy. That technology is a poor man's Death Star.
By nature humans are highly vain creatures, certain that God made us in his image. The problem with vanity is it's soon followed by envy, and not the good kind, the kind that wants to steal, destroy, rape, kill, and vote Democrat. Vanity and envy are so deeply woven into who we are, they cannot be removed. Warfare made us. We can suppress it somewhat but can't eliminate it. If you want to count yourself among the survivors, never fall for the old socialist disarmament ploy. It's a trap!
“It’s a noble thought, and some people are working on it, however the technology to divert an asteroid away from Earth is the exact same technology needed to steer it directly into Earth to completely annihilate an enemy. That technology is a poor man’s Death Star.”
We have the technology to hit it with ICBM’s, all that is necessary is a hardened nose cone that can penetrate a foot or two to break a big one into smaller bits that are far less dangerous. Hit it early enough and you change its orbit. Hit it at the upper reaches of the atmosphere and you turn it to dust. This is off the shelf technology.
Problem is, you won’t find many liberals who want to turn the world’s nuclear arsenals into a savant technology. They front all sorts of exotic work arounds that will take decades to deploy. They are out there and they can wipe us out.