Yes Alex
Lower class white women in America today are fat as pigs and covered in ink and usually have a few bastard kids in tow....most often from absent black sperm donors
Most black women are fat and have ink
Most under 30 white girls have some ink even rich girls and hipsters in particular
Its not pretty and its worse outside conservative areas like the South and other flyover areas
God help us.....American women have never been so trashy and American men never before either so feral or and white...respectively
You haven’t seen anything until you’ve lived in the NW.
I love this show!
Si-ops...Si-cology...Magnum P-Si...;o)
“Its not pretty and its worse outside conservative areas like the South “
I just do not understand why the History channel would feature tattooed girls so much...Anyway, also thanks for your
other reply’s about the deteriorating culture in America.
I doubt that I will return within my lifetime.