Did you make it to the Bourbon Festival?
Weather was beautiful on Saturday, but the music was so over the top loud that we did not stay as long as usual. We always enjoy the cars. Like being back in high school again.
They jacked up the prices. Last year the drinks were 3, 5 and 8 tickets. This year they were 5, 8 and 10 tickets, tickets being a dollar each. I decided to use the money to buy stuff instead.
The music is not something I go for any more. I started playing in rock and bar bands back in 1999, have met and played with a few famous “rock stars” and sorta got burned out on the whole thing. Most of the bands at these things are just not all that good. Not bad, mind you, but the volume and pa sound quality just don’t do it for me, kinda like what you said.
That being said, I saw a band at Renton River Days about 12 years ago that did Jimmy Hendrix songs with a lead electric fiddle player. It was amazing. I like being amazed by truly talented and skilled musicians now. And there really are not that many of them.
But my wife got her annual Four Roses candle and I got a wild turkey real turkey caller for all the turkeys that hang around my property. I hope to shoot a few this time. I always like to check out the cars. I love that part.
Oh, and I think my wife and I have just tired of the food offered at these “make a buck” festivals. What we ordered was terrible and overpriced. We went home and had some nice homemade chili by the campfire for dinner.
We really like Bardstown though and enjoy a nice Bourbon Barrel Ale at the Talbot.
Dang, I’m starting to sound cantankerous about these things. ;-)