I have written to my senator - Debbie Stabenow of MI - asking if it was true that Congress and congressional employees are excempt from Obamacare. Her response from Sept. 18, 2013, says in part: “Under Section 1312 of the law...Members of Congress and their staff will no longer have access to the Federal Employee Health Plan. Instead, they will sign up with an insurance co. that provides coverage through the new insurance marketplaces in the law...Section 1312 did not explain how the federal govenment would interact with the new insurance marketplaces. In re., the OPM carified how members of Congress and their staff will purchase insurance through the exchange, and also prohibited (them) from being eligible for health care tax credits.” Is her letter a complete lie? Am I missing something in it that does not deny the exemption?
Fearing a “brain drain” of Congressional staffers, subsidies were given them. IOW, some federal employees would weasel their way out of having to get on the exchanges.