I sometimes think about the signs of the end times-like those concerning the Church, the last Pope etc... I began at a young age to go to God when chaos descends, for courage, and to find the way out-simplistic, but it has kept me from the dark many times.
If all this chaos comes ultimately to a fight, I’m more than ready-I’ve been ready for the revolution since I was 14-obviously, my parents allowed me to hear conversations and to read books that were not age-appropriate-like Atlas Shrugged and the like...
And since it is raining and the mood is dark, I’ve been listening to some Doors...
“This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I’ll never look into your eyes...again”
You can never go wrong going to God in good times or bad. I told xs teen and her fiancé this AM, that God put them in each others lives, He put him in the new job(yeoman prayer work went into that one! Months on end!) and that God needed to be central to the wedding planning as well. Today we secured both the church and reception venues and xs teen had the most marvelous idea for a dj. A guy we know well who announced the Gonzaga hockey games does some Caps announcing does DJ ing as well, and he will make it extremely personal bc he knows our family well. Not bad for 48 hrs elapsed since he proposed!