“Jerome Corsi has zero credibility with me. Sorry.”
Well, as the author says, in ten or twenty years, we will know the truth. Personally, I’d just like to see FUBO’s college records for starters. And find out if he was a “foreign student,” which is probably the main reason they are under wraps today.
For somebody who has not let us know anything about him, it sure seems incredible that he and his NSA and Obamacare health exchanges want to know everything about us.
“...I’d just like to see FUBO’s college records...”
Check out OrlyTaitzEsq.com (9/17 or 18/2013) Supplemental brief for October 23, 9AM hearing in the 4th District Court of Appeal, 601 Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana, CA. PDF with exhibits will be posed shortly. Case G 047746
I. Newly discovered information...already released...not sealed...should not have been denied...
II. According to Laurie Hattaway, employee of the HESC (Higher education services corporation), after Obama transferred from Occidental College to Columbia University, he received financial aid as a foreign student, citizen of Indonesia, ...etc.
III. Defendant Obama is improperly using the means of the U.S. Government, specifically FBI, in order to harass, bully and intimidate whistleblowers...etc.
Federal courts under Holder have consistently denied and postponed hearings, but Orly doesn’t give up. Perhaps one judge will be honest, sooner rather than later. If we survive, the executive branch must be changed to prevent another Obama from using the non-elected heads of departments against citizens.