This story or article is not about chewing gum or kiddies disrupting class rusty.
You're not kidding anyone here rusty.
re: “ This story or article is not about chewing gum or kiddies disrupting class rusty. You’re not kidding anyone here rusty.”
Exactly - I’m not kidding anyone. So, now you think local school principals and teachers ARE capable of investigating at least some school incidents?? You kept saying they were incapable of investigating anything. That’s what I was trying to find out from you.
So, if I’m hearing you correctly, principals and teachers CAN investigate at least at SOME level? We don’t have to call the cops or organize some “parent group” to check into chewing gum or every schoolyard fight?
You’re now saying that a principal IS capable of investigating school incidents and IS capable of knowing when to call in outside authorities?
You see, you did not differentiate between everyday school incidents and major altercations like the one described in the article. But, dragnet, even in the case described, the first persons the cops are going to question are the principal and the teacher. They will want to know what the principal found out in his/her investigation/inquiry - why? Because it’s the job of the principal to know what’s going on in his/her school - they supposedly know their own personnel, they supposedly have talked with the parents and the teacher involved already before they (the cops) get there.
If that’s not what you are saying, then I guess you want some kind of outside group of parents or citizens to be on campus to monitor all school incidents? How would that work? Don’t they have private jobs? Or, would they be paid? Who picks these citizens? Other citizens? Who gets to select the selectors?