Obama already blinked with regard to the War Powers Act. Had he wished to push the limits, he could have gone ahead and attacked and explained later.
But he decided to go ask Congress for support instead. Smart, politically...consider the options:
1. Approval is given. He now can claim bi-partisan support, full compliance with the Constitution, and will still claim credit for a favorable outcome and try to spread the blame around for an unfavorable one.
2. Congress fails to authorize action. Obama’s off the hook and it’s on them. Early tee time?
3. The House and Senate split, and no joint authorization is issued. This too puts Obama off the hook and gives him a perfect platform to blame obstructionalist Republicans.
Add it up, it’s Advantage Obama. The most risky move for him would have been to attack quickly under War Powers authorization, and he’s already backed away from that.
The question now is just how much of a propaganda/PR victory he can achieve out of this.
June 10, 2013
He already jumped the shark.
Actually he is right. Congress approves war. The President gives the order to fight.
Obama going to Congress is a gutless move. He wants to hide behind their skirts.
Probably should have replied to you first....
I have no problem with Bolton referred to as GOPe. You do not become US rep to United Nations unless by being a real conservative or Americanist. Not sure why folks think Bolton is conservative...other than he puts an “R” next to his name
Bolton will support Obama on all Internationalist and Globalist intervention
I need to proofread better
I meant “Bolton would not be US rep to UN if he was a real conservative or Americanist”
Bolton’s right. That’s the law of the land, but there’s more ahead of us in the overall situation.
Its been obvious for a long time, that the majority of U.S. constituents with time and money for politics (the more vociferous of the 40 million or so receiving incomes from government) have no will fight foreign enemies. But they have been fantasizing much about exterminating their own neighbors at home. They dont realize that instead of any scenario of an end to the world, their own gluttonous lives are naturally very limited. Vanities...
The CIC does wage war. But absent exigent circumstance he can not wage war without authorization from Congress and it doesn’t matter much whether they say “we declare war” or “Kill them all” since the Constitution is silent on the means and methods of declaring war.
At seven AM yesterday morning I posted that I had heard Bolton (WITH MY OWN TWO EARS) state the night before that is was neither illegal or impeachable for Obama to attack Syria on his own.
Now I'm reading on this thread all sorts of things that he allegedly has said since that are in direct opposition to what I heard him say on the Factor...WITH MY OWN TWO EARS !!!