All cards do it. You just won’t notice it unless you monitor it closely.
I screwed up at a pump on I80 last year by swiping one of those sneaky little diesel pumps which appear to part of the gas pump. I pressed cancel and pumped my gas. I believe I also did something irregular again on the same trip when a pump wouldn't work.
Well, I got a call from my bank ( or the card people, I guess ) while I was still on the road! They had called my wife at home and she gave them my cell number.
The lady started asking me stuff, but I didn't make the connection to the pump fumbles. Anyway, I told her it was me, and she just wanted to know if my trip would be over soon, and I said yeah, that day. It was only after thinking about it that I realized the gas pump connection. ( BTW, I've got hands-free Bluetooth, FWIW. )
Anyway, it actually gave me a warm fuzzy to know they were so on the ball, although I have had similar incidents in the past.