Allen West would be awesome, too. I could could easily vote for him. Ditto for Walker. I wasn’t really all that impressed with Rick Perry in 2012, but perhaps he learned from his mistakes. Then again, I would take Perry over stiffs like John McLame and Mitt Trotsky any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
The same Allen West who voted in favor of the indefinite detention without trial of American citizens (NDAA 2011)?
The same Allen West who voted in favor of redistributing wealth to the Black Caucus and their constituents (the Pigford USDA vote)?
The same Allen West who publicly stated on Facebook he wants “Justice for Trayvon©”?
The same Allen West who did such a pathetic job on contesting the fraudulent election that it cost him his seat?
The same Allen West who was shown The Cold Case Posse’s evidence on the forged Obama birth certificate, the false SS #, and the phony Selective Service Registration, said he agreed with the evidence 100%, he thinks the documents are forged, BUUUUT ....he said he would not publicly endorse the findings “...because I want a future in politics”?
THAT Allen West?
Trayvon© Copyright 2012 by Sybrina Fulton, all rights reserved.