Endless. Unreadable. Pointless.
Chances that anyone will read this screed from beginning to end: 0%.
Chances that the author knows a difference between a university educator and a jock: 0%.
Chances that the author is capable of seeing the connection between the acceptance of pederast in the society at large, as nothing worse than ‘gaiety’, and its effect on the likes of Joe Paterno: 0%.
I couldn’t get much past the headline, which should have read “...Betrayal by Joe Paterno.”
It’s a freaking book. If I posted a link to it, humblegunner or some other blog cop would be on me like the locusts on the Mormons.
Read it or don’t. Your choice. Like I said - there are 9 more chapters plus the Ray Blehar files, that will probably result in federal charges against PA officials - including (at the time) acting AG Linda Kelly.
But you just keep reading the headlines. I don’t want to tax your mind.
I just did, so your 0% is wrong. In reading it, I learned some facts about the story I had never heard before.
Can the hyped up leftist media along with corrupt prosecutors create a false narrative? Ask George Zimmerman.