So does hot water. So I wash in cold water and only use the dryer for sheets, towels and other fluffy stuff. And I use Fels-Naptha for stubborn stains. It works when nothing else does!
In the interest of accomplishing a task that needs accomplishing, in the yard, am going to sign off. The weather is better and the heat is down and the lawn needs attention. Paw is down in the root cellar, tending the terrorist. Maw is outside hitting a rug. The ground is drier and the lower holler is begging for attention. If can just find the critter that stole the lawnmower, will be set for the day.
hmmmm. really, Fels-Naptha huh??? Right now I’m using Melaleuka detergent and it works really well, but is expensivvvvvvve