At the end of the year we always send a list of school supplies for the coming class.
My list is: two - three ring binder (98 cents a piece at Walmart), pencils and a pen. Our school supplies needed crayons, colored pencils, composition paper, glue, etc.
They also supply facial tissue, but the quality is so poor that I alway buy bxes when they are on sale for the class use.
The only thing that I have as "community property" are pencils and pens that I find on the floor of the classroom and hallways.
They get put in a cigar box and if a students needs a pencil for class or the day, they can take one out and use it.
Same here! I teach 11th grade American literature and 10th grade scholars’ U.S. government. My students each need pencils with erasers, blue/black ink pens, a notebook, a folder, and an additional notebook or composition book for journaling. At Walmart this is less than five dollars. Most of our students are “low income” and do not bring these supplies and I do not bend on the policy: Not my problem! They have iPhones and Air Jordans. If I find pencils and pens on the floor, I will put them in a mug on my desk for anybody to use. I’ve had students “unable” to take Scantron tests because they didn’t have pencils. Oh well. If I want to tidy my classroom I’ll bring in my own paper towels and cleaner. I won’t ask studdents to bring them in. It’s the same kids that always get stuck bringing things in and it ticks me off.