The regular pencils, glue and paper cost pennies but once you’re in HS, you need more expensive items like scientific calculators.
What you’re spending today compared to prices your parents paid are probably not that different considering what a dollar was worth then and now. Back when hand held calculators first came out, my science class all had to get one the second semester to that was everyone’s big Christmas present from their parents because of the cost.
As to the waste, I’m with you there. I’ve witnessed teachers throwing out brand new supplies by the arm load at the end of every year.
I want to teach in one of these schools where they can afford to throw out new supplies. That's crazy.
At the end of the school year, I dig through the garbage cans to salvage supplies that the kids throw out when they clean out their lockers. The kids actually catch on, and they ask me if I want anything before they dump it.
Paper doesn't go bad over the summer... I especially salvage quad paper, which I use to teach graphing and charting. It's cheap at the beginning of school, but much more expensive later in the year.
For the record, my 8th grade math supply list includes pencils, quad paper, a three ring binder, and a cardboard-bound composition book, which are for students' individual use. I recommend a TI-84 graphing calculator which should take kids all the way through high school and into college. If a kid doesn't have one... no problem. I still teach the old fashioned way... graphing by hand. The calculator is a convenience for use when a student knows how to do the work without one.
I'm hesitant to mention it here, but I also require students to have a Satanic Bible, so we can worship the devil during class changes.