You've hit the nail on the head. For accuracy reasons in this case printing is pretty much a must. Cursive writing was mainly for a period to write large or massive documents faster just like shorthand was used before voice recording was developed and affordable.
Books, contracts, statements etc, of today are printed because print is easier and faster to read as well as more accurate.
Cursive writing is an art and early on most persons did not have the skulls to write it or read it. Many could read print though used for signs etc. I only use cursive writing for my signature now and that's it. If I have a letter to send I type it so the person can read it. My printing isn't that great either due to eye/muscle coordination.
Books have ALWAYS been “printed”; you make it sound like printing presses for centuries were somehow using script. Fact is placing type is much easier with block letters. But hand writing is faster in cursive, where as others noted without explaining, you don’t waste time lifting the instrument.