You’re not “under the law” until you break God’s law, then the penalty for sin is death (unless and until you repent of it)
Which penalty was paid 2000 years ago for you, me, and the whole world. Sin is no longer the issue, because God righteously judged the sins of the world upon the body of Jesus on the cross. Receiving Jesus Christ and his FREE gift of everlasting life is the only issue in this life. Once you have received him, you have the GIFT of righteousness whereby you may reign in life (Rom 5:17). God sees you as righteous because of Jesus NOT because of you (II Cor 5:21).
This is the gospel of the grace of God (Acts 20:24). The church is mired in the traditions of man like the religious world Jesus encountered. Jesus had nothing good to say to the legalistic Pharisees. Jude said we (the church) must earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints and both Jude and Galatians warn of the removal of grace. Satan wants grace removed because grace defeats sin (Rom 6:14). Instead he wants to put you back under the law becasue the law strengthens sin (I cor 15:56). The law is Satan's main weapon to bring you condemnation, which God has said absolutely does not belong to the believer (Rom 8:1).