The rest are liberals.
***the rules don’t apply to them. ***
How true! Several years ago I was driving in Tulsa, OK and stopped at a stop light. When it turned green I proceeded as all the other autos had stopped.
Half way into the intersection two bicyclists darted into the intersection coming from the left, which had a red light. Lucky I had good brakes as they did not even slow down.
Easy there biggun. Not all of us are assholes. I do what I can to stick to the back streets and I do everything I can not to piss off the autos. No future in picking a battle with a 2-ton mass of iron when you are in bike panties and riding a 20 lb. two-wheeler.
I’ve been riding in Dallas for nearly 40 years and I have seen plenty of stoopididity by my fellow cyclists, but not every day like I see from cars.