“I hope anyone passing by from NYC who reads this is shamed into doing something to reclaim their manhood.”
Real men run to the front line. Or at least they don’t run when the front comes to their doorstep.
Many people here are fans of big government because the city always took a piece of the financial industry (as well as countless other industries and incredibly wealthy individuals) and spent it like a drunken sailor on bread/circuses. There is not much us men can do until the people here finally see the emperor has no clothes.
When this house of cards collapses, there will be plenty of chances for real men to show our “manhood”...
You got that right. We are the ones that will end up having to put it back together. Not going to be easy, but it is righteous work and well worth doing. Lot of people are just not equipped to handle what is really going on. Once the truth is exposed for what it is, some will want to wake up and fly right.
We just have to be there to help them learn what they missed growing up in the goobermint hands.