The only other thing I’ll say is this. Imagine if it was YOUR daughter that was blown up on that flight.
Someone randomly calls you and mentions a submarine missile after the fact. You don’t consider it? You don’t mention it? Sure - it could be a complete hoax. But it’s your DAUGHTER.
Easy to criticize from the sidelines when you have no real skin in the game.
While this happened in Long Island Sound not far from Electric Boat and the Naval Submarine base, this is not the kind of weapon they would have.
I remember waking that morning finding out about the incident, shocked that it wasn’t far from me and my work there at EB. Never thought about a sub.
I did hear about a surface ship being in the area, maybe a cruiser or the sort. Much more likely to have that kind of weapon.
Subs are either attack - shooting torpedoes through water, basically - or ballistic - shooting gigantic nuclear missiles straight up, meant to traverse a hyperbola and “bomb” land, not aim at an air object. Possible to have a “test”, but still be weird to be that close to home and awfully coincidental it would hit an aircraft.