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This is poorly written but you get my point. ONCE AGAIN, the media is acting like this MUST be passed. Why aren't we calling the media out for pulling the same tactic they did during passage of Obamacare? "F" THEM ALL.

We are AMERICANS. This Bill does NOT have to pass. WE DON'T WANT THIS STINKING BILL!!!! What we DO want is IRS reform. We want accountability in government. Where are the IRS, DOJ and Benghazi hearings? THOSE are more important because crimes have been committed.

Dear GOP, why do you support a Bill for a President who has turned the IRS into a criminal organization that targets Americans for their beliefs, and a DOJ that commits perjury before you and eavesdrops on our supposedly Free Press, and who abandoned Americans to die at Benghazi then lied about it?

1 posted on 06/21/2013 2:13:45 PM PDT by CivilWarBrewing
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To: CivilWarBrewing

2 posted on 06/21/2013 2:15:51 PM PDT by Paladin2 (;-))
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To: CivilWarBrewing

The House is the only hope to stop this travesty. Boehner isn’t always up to the task but could turn into a hero with blocking the action. Just like Reid in the Senate does. Maybe they will have to “DEEM” this also.

3 posted on 06/21/2013 2:17:49 PM PDT by DrDude (Governor of the 57th State)
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To: CivilWarBrewing

you’ve got a right to be sick.

are you calling. i just got through another round calling people like ayotte, hoven, corker, mcconnell, blount, cornyn, and on and on. some are busy. i tell them the truth. my family are mostly consevative dems, do you think the’re ever going to vote for you if you open up the border and continue to allow illegals to come in and take their jobs?

4 posted on 06/21/2013 2:18:21 PM PDT by dadfly
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To: CivilWarBrewing

You said the Republicans went along with Obamacare. that’s a lie. Not a single Republican Senator nor Congressman voted for Obamcare. All democrat Congressmen and Senators voted for Obamacare and cause the media had given them a super majority in both the House and Senate the democrats solely passed Obamacare

6 posted on 06/21/2013 2:20:25 PM PDT by Democrat_media (IRS rigged election for Obama and democrats by shutting down tea party)
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To: CivilWarBrewing

The GOP are prisoners of whatever skeletons are in their closets. You can be sure that the government spying mechanisms were used first on them. They will make noises as though they are listening to constituents but in the end, Amnesty is a DONE DEAL. Just like Obama’s elections in 2008 and 2012. Just like O-care. It is all part of the NWO and they’re just trying to stay with the elite.

8 posted on 06/21/2013 2:22:24 PM PDT by informavoracious (We're being "punished" with Stanley Ann's baby. Obamacare: shovel-ready healthcare.)
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To: CivilWarBrewing
I've seen time and again where legislators get on this band wagon to do something "great" with a major piece of legislation.

There is an Independence Day recess coming so they envision going back to their districts as conquering heroes. And they lose all sense of doing what is right by the thrill of being on the bandwagon.

There are few, if no, patriots in Congress.

9 posted on 06/21/2013 2:22:33 PM PDT by llevrok (We are in a new Cold War. At home.)
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To: CivilWarBrewing

Both Obamacare and Immigration fund community organizers
Using ObamaCare To Create A Permanent Democratic Majority

What is known so far suggests that California politicians are exploiting health reform to enroll millions of the uninsured in the Democratic Party and fill the coffers of left-wing interest groups with taxpayer money.

Immigration Bill
Betsy McCaughey reviews the important reasons why this bill must NOT become law.
The most outrageous (IMHO) of which is that
a. community organizations will be assimilating (educating in US history)and registering the immigrants to vote.
b. and will be provided a steady funding stream but will not be held to the same accountability as a federal employee.
And it threatens national sovereignty and the Rule of LAW.

Video: Ginni Thomas Actually Read the Immigration Bill… And It Sucks!

Video on the page

12 posted on 06/21/2013 2:30:50 PM PDT by Whenifhow
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To: CivilWarBrewing

Not ONE Republican voted for obamaCare.

14 posted on 06/21/2013 2:31:37 PM PDT by svcw (If you are dead when your heart stops, why aren't you alive when it starts.)
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To: CivilWarBrewing
IMO there are a number of important differences between then and now.Listed in no particular order:

1) Most Americans were deeply in love with Osama Obama then.Now 48% approval...40% *strongly* dispprove.

2)With the lies told about OsamaObamaCare it's easy to see why many Americans would think they'd benefit.It's hard to see why anyone but the wetbacks themselves would think they'd benefit from amnesty.

3) We control the House.And we can also flood the phone lines of every Congresscritter,Republican and Rat,and remind them what wrath was loosed on the Marxists and RINOs in November 2010,partially because of the travesty that was OsamaObamaCare.

If this passes the Senate we must *overwhelm* House members with calls and e-mails reminding them that we have long memories.

15 posted on 06/21/2013 2:33:13 PM PDT by Gay State Conservative (The Civil Servants Are No Longer Servants...Or Civil.)
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To: CivilWarBrewing
The media narrative that passage of this Bill MUST happen at all costs is alive and well, just as it was during Obamacare. Once again, Republican CongressCritters are led down the primrose path by the biased media propagandists for Obama and the GOP just goes along with it, hook, line and sinker!

I think it is probably a done deal in the Senate because the RINOs ARE jumping on this bandwagon. However, in the House, this dreck legislation is expected to have a much more difficult, if not impossible time.

I suggest you take some Pepto Bismol and start working your Congresscritter extremely hard!

16 posted on 06/21/2013 2:35:13 PM PDT by DustyMoment (Congress - another name for anti-American criminals!!)
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To: CivilWarBrewing
1. More Border Agents.

2. Obama and Nappy continue to instruct Border Agents to ignore existing law.

3. Pass a new law that directs that the existing law be followed.

sure, HaHaHaHaHaHa, what a joke

21 posted on 06/21/2013 2:53:36 PM PDT by JPG (Stay strong.)
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To: CivilWarBrewing

I’m afraid it is going to get rushed through and signed off before Obama is impeached or assassinated. And Republicans will see a repeat of 1986 - millions of illegals made legal and no border security implemented.

22 posted on 06/21/2013 3:04:54 PM PDT by tbw2
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To: CivilWarBrewing

WHY the RUSH???

Just a few felony crimes that will be waived for ILLEGAL aliens under Immigration Bill S.744:

‘Falsely representing or knowingly using a Social Security Number obtained with false information’

‘Falsely claiming citizenship on Form I-9’

‘Knowingly altering a Social Security Card’

‘Document fraud to prove eligibility for employment’

Comment at site may say it all: “Isn’t Barack Obama subject to charges for all of these offenses? Maybe that’s why the immigration bill is getting the ultra-fast track treatment; maybe evidence of his ineligibility is mounting toward levels which can no longer be ignored.”

24 posted on 06/21/2013 3:05:37 PM PDT by Mortrey (Impeach President Soros)
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To: CivilWarBrewing
Immigration laws already in existence are obviously not being enforced so if the US gubmt wanted to stop illegal immigration, it would've done so long ago. however, this front page debate on illegal immigration is sure taking the focus off of obozo and his scandals and the fact that he is arming muslim terrorists which are, by all logical consideration, enemies of the US. I don't know what they call that these days but that used to be called treason.
26 posted on 06/21/2013 3:09:17 PM PDT by drypowder
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To: CivilWarBrewing

don’t change one word
i agree completely

33 posted on 06/21/2013 3:53:05 PM PDT by genghis
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To: CivilWarBrewing

Oh Yeh I think this thing will pass the Senate with no problems. All the RINO’s are itching to vote for it. Hopefully it will die in the HOuse.

35 posted on 06/21/2013 4:06:27 PM PDT by Georgia Girl 2 (The only purpose of a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped.)
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To: CivilWarBrewing

Recent events here have caused me to become more than a little interested in the history of Nazi Germany.

That interest has drawn me to some of the films made of that sad period. “Schilndler’s List”, “Surviving Hitler”, “Sophie Scholl”, “Downfall”, “Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State” and others.

But the film that jelled my alleged mind and brought me to this attempt to relate those events with what is happening here was “Der Letzte Zug” (“The Last Train”) depicting in excruciating detail the nearly week-long trip to Auschwitz of the last Jews forced from Berlin. Confined in sealed cattle cars with no food and water, they plotted largely futile escape attempts as, one-by-one, the weakest among them died.

As I watched, I sought to understand the common thread(s) that set them on a course to their premature graves at the hands of Hitler and his minions.

There were many.

One was the economic destruction of post WWI Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. Its punitive reparations made conditions ripe for the rise of the Nazi and their promises. In fact, some historians believe that Versailles was intentionally designed by those who profit from such activities to sow the seeds for Hitler and WWII. That is, however, a topic for another day.

Another element necessary for the Holocaust was Hitler’s disarmament of the civilian population. Though the compliant Germans allowed that disarmament to begin in 1919 and intensify in 1928, it became draconian when the Nazis took total control.

And, of course, the Antisemitism present then and now in Europe played a large role as most of their non-Jewish neighbors ignored the growing persecution that began in early 1933.

The historical Prussian mindset – of Jews and non-Jews alike – was to trust and obey those in charge of the state apparatus. It goes without saying that that is a more or less universal characteristic of populations living under “elected” governments. After the chaos of the Wiemar Republic, many of them saw Hitler as a savior, exacerbating the problem.

This brings me to THE element that I believe caused so many Jews to meekly submit to the homicidal madness: Their notion that, despite the rumors, whispers and, ultimately, the outright verbalization of that madness by their elected leaders, “THAT could never happen here”.

“THAT could never happen here” is perhaps the most dangerous phrase in ANY language – especially for us here in America at this time.

If you have been paying attention, you must see numerous parallels between Hitler’s Germany and Obama’s Amerika. (Misspelling intentional.)

Admit it or not, Obama, his minions and handlers are doing all they can to drive the unemployment rate higher, causing increasingly desperate men and woman to further swell government payrolls. Hitler put many desperate Germans into his Brown Shirts, SS, regular military, etc.

Though some of Obama’s supporters – the small numbers with functioning brains – are losing faith in him, a frightening number of them still “worship” him and would unquestioningly support just about anything he proposed if the “free” goodies keep coming their way and he assured them that only his – and their – enemies were to be “reeducated” or eliminated.

What these pseudo-intellectuals fail or refuse to grasp is that history teaches that even if THEY are one of those who gets a seat near the throne of their new “leader”, they, too, are in peril. Once firmly in power, said “leader” has a distressing tendency to not only purge the population of his opponents but eventually gets around to any among those who helped him to that power he perceives to be less than sufficiently worshipful and/or possesses sufficient intellectual firepower to challenge him. Think Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot and, of course, Hitler.

Fortunately for freedom here, Obama’s efforts to DISARM us have stalled – FOR NOW! All that is keeping him in check is his understanding that to make his final play before doing so would be to put his life and the lives of his inner circle and handlers at serious risk.

If you are STILL not convinced that this fellow has sinister plans for those who dare to oppose him, please view the short video at the link below. (For those with short memories, Bill Ayers is – despite Ayers’ comments about drones – STILL one of Obama’s closest associates and is believed to have authored Obama’s book). Ayers founded the Weather Underground mentioned in the video.

As you watch it, remember that when that meeting occurred, our population was approximately 250 million. 25 million would have represented 10%. Come forward to our current population of approximately 315 million and that 10% would equal 31.5 million of us.
That COULD explain the billions of hollow point bullets now being delivered to Big Sis and her cohorts at Faterlandt Security.

There people are as SERIOUS AS A HEART ATTACK!

But THAT could never happen here, right?

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and the Republic
for which it stands.  Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened
once in 6,000 years, may not happen again.
Hold on to the
Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail,
there will be anarchy throughout the world.”
Daniel Webster

36 posted on 06/21/2013 4:09:39 PM PDT by Dick Bachert (There's room under my bus for BOTH Holder and obozo!)
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To: CivilWarBrewing

Recent events here have caused me to become more than a little interested in the history of Nazi Germany.

That interest has drawn me to some of the films made of that sad period. “Schilndler’s List”, “Surviving Hitler”, “Sophie Scholl”, “Downfall”, “Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State” and others.

But the film that jelled my alleged mind and brought me to this attempt to relate those events with what is happening here was “Der Letzte Zug” (“The Last Train”) depicting in excruciating detail the nearly week-long trip to Auschwitz of the last Jews forced from Berlin. Confined in sealed cattle cars with no food and water, they plotted largely futile escape attempts as, one-by-one, the weakest among them died.

As I watched, I sought to understand the common thread(s) that set them on a course to their premature graves at the hands of Hitler and his minions.

There were many.

One was the economic destruction of post WWI Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. Its punitive reparations made conditions ripe for the rise of the Nazi and their promises. In fact, some historians believe that Versailles was intentionally designed by those who profit from such activities to sow the seeds for Hitler and WWII. That is, however, a topic for another day.

Another element necessary for the Holocaust was Hitler’s disarmament of the civilian population. Though the compliant Germans allowed that disarmament to begin in 1919 and intensify in 1928, it became draconian when the Nazis took total control.

And, of course, the Antisemitism present then and now in Europe played a large role as most of their non-Jewish neighbors ignored the growing persecution that began in early 1933.

The historical Prussian mindset – of Jews and non-Jews alike – was to trust and obey those in charge of the state apparatus. It goes without saying that that is a more or less universal characteristic of populations living under “elected” governments. After the chaos of the Wiemar Republic, many of them saw Hitler as a savior, exacerbating the problem.

This brings me to THE element that I believe caused so many Jews to meekly submit to the homicidal madness: Their notion that, despite the rumors, whispers and, ultimately, the outright verbalization of that madness by their elected leaders, “THAT could never happen here”.

“THAT could never happen here” is perhaps the most dangerous phrase in ANY language – especially for us here in America at this time.

If you have been paying attention, you must see numerous parallels between Hitler’s Germany and Obama’s Amerika. (Misspelling intentional.)

Admit it or not, Obama, his minions and handlers are doing all they can to drive the unemployment rate higher, causing increasingly desperate men and woman to further swell government payrolls. Hitler put many desperate Germans into his Brown Shirts, SS, regular military, etc.

Though some of Obama’s supporters – the small numbers with functioning brains – are losing faith in him, a frightening number of them still “worship” him and would unquestioningly support just about anything he proposed if the “free” goodies keep coming their way and he assured them that only his – and their – enemies were to be “reeducated” or eliminated.

What these pseudo-intellectuals fail or refuse to grasp is that history teaches that even if THEY are one of those who gets a seat near the throne of their new “leader”, they, too, are in peril. Once firmly in power, said “leader” has a distressing tendency to not only purge the population of his opponents but eventually gets around to any among those who helped him to that power he perceives to be less than sufficiently worshipful and/or possesses sufficient intellectual firepower to challenge him. Think Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot and, of course, Hitler.

Fortunately for freedom here, Obama’s efforts to DISARM us have stalled – FOR NOW! All that is keeping him in check is his understanding that to make his final play before doing so would be to put his life and the lives of his inner circle and handlers at serious risk.

If you are STILL not convinced that this fellow has sinister plans for those who dare to oppose him, please view the short video at the link below. (For those with short memories, Bill Ayers is – despite Ayers’ comments about drones – STILL one of Obama’s closest associates and is believed to have authored Obama’s book). Ayers founded the Weather Underground mentioned in the video.

As you watch it, remember that when that meeting occurred, our population was approximately 250 million. 25 million would have represented 10%. Come forward to our current population of approximately 315 million and that 10% would equal 31.5 million of us.
That COULD explain the billions of hollow point bullets now being delivered to Big Sis and her cohorts at Faterlandt Security.

There people are as SERIOUS AS A HEART ATTACK!

But THAT could never happen here, right?

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and the Republic
for which it stands.  Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened
once in 6,000 years, may not happen again.
Hold on to the
Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail,
there will be anarchy throughout the world.”
Daniel Webster

37 posted on 06/21/2013 4:28:04 PM PDT by Dick Bachert (There's room under my bus for BOTH Holder and obozo!)
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