Thank God the democrats have no power at the state level in Michigan. This is the typical legislation they introduce.
Senate Bill 421: Allow registered-by-mail voter to vote absentee in first election
Introduced by Sen. Rebekah Warren (D) on June 11, 2013, to allow a person to vote by absentee ballot in the first election after registering by mail to vote in a jurisdiction. Current law requires that such voters show up in person the first time that they vote in the new jurisdiction, but may vote by absentee ballot for all subsequent elections.
Senate Bill 420: Allow different drivers license and voter registration addresses
Introduced by Sen. Rebekah Warren (D) on June 11, 2013, to allow a person to have a different address on their drivers license or state I.D. than the one at which they are registered to vote.
Oh, yes. Been there done that. Lived in Michigan for a few years. That leftist nincompoop Jim Blanchard was Governor for part of it. Mind-bending stuff.