And that is the difference-—the man in your account felt immediate guilt for striking a child. He offered no justification, no defense, did not believe his occupation had any relevance in the matter.
Altariel, I read back some of the thread, and I apologize for the abrasive tone of my posts. I don’t really know your posting history or content, but I do recognize your freep name...I thought you had been here longer.
Point is, I wasn’t being abrasive just for the heck of it, I just got my dander up, and I could have worded it differently.
I simply think you are off base with this, on the basis of what is known. I understand the “Police are not your friend” point of view, and while I don’t buy completely into it, I think it is well that people keep in mind that in certain situations, police (being human) may be more interested in covering their own rear end than covering yours.
Again, I think you should reexamine your premises on the basis of what is known. As Freud was famous for saying, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.