Has PGP been cracked though? — That is the question.
Were I the NSA (or other GovAgency) and it was, that would be one secret that I’d kill to preserve — indeed, a ‘scare’ flocking people into using the perceived-secure encryption would be a good thing (from the warped GovAgency perspective).
OTOH The NYT and our own senators couldn't wait to tell the muzzies how we were tracking and killing them...
ANY Encryption can be cracked, given enough computing power and enough time.
Mind you, when I do PGP, I use a 4096 bit key, as strong as they come. Given current tech, and every computer on the planet, we’re STILL talking nearly a billion years to brute-force it. The only thing more secure than a high-bit dual RSA key is a one-time pad, and THOSE require sharing a document first.
As long as you use a long and complex pass-phrase, and keep it properly safeguarded (i.e. in your head only), it’s as secure as it gets. .