Yowch! Too many acronyms for me to follow your rant. Care to X-plain in non-geek lingo?
If you run a business and you want to continue running on the cheap, the Microsoft Windows solution that you've got right now probably doesn't need upgrading except to replace failed hardware. Next to zero reason to invest in anything that Microsoft is trying to sell, or any other PC hardware manufacturer. Just continue to use your junk pile until it croaks. The sales figures aren't lying here either, now going on several years in this shaky economy.
If you're a common end-user who can't get by anymore with your junky old PC or laptop and are looking to buy something new to replace it, there's better options than a Microsoft Windows machine. This is the only segment of the information tech market that's absolutely going gangbusters and Microsoft isn't even in the game. That's all you need to know.