This is the only time I will ever support Obama......this disclosure has nothing to do with him, this data mining by the NSA has been in effect for several decades now, operating behind the scenes.
Virtually every president in the past 30 years that has given the NSA unrestricted power and finances is instrumental in the development of this monster that is now spying on us........
>>This is the only time I will ever support Obama......this disclosure has nothing to do with him, this data mining by the NSA has been in effect for several decades now, operating behind the scenes.
Virtually every president in the past 30 years that has given the NSA unrestricted power and finances is instrumental in the development of this monster that is now spying on us........ <<
And you SUPPORT OBAMA??? Who abused Tea Partiers with his IRS, and now SIGNED OFF on this?
Yes, this is a monstrous expansion under Obama. And you support him.
You are sick.
WHO started the building of that MEGA MEGA DATING MINING STORAGE FACILITY IN UTAH???? Bush or Obama??? OR THE BUREAUCRCY?????
It is not that it has gone on before, but that Obama promised to stop it and instead increased it many times, specifically targeting political opponents
While I agree with you in some respects, I think there is plenty of blame to be laid directly on Obama and his toadies and lickspittle followers.