The NSA Utah Data Center is a panopticon
for Obama, his Moslem Brotherhood,
and his handlers like Jarret, as it enables spying
on innocent Americans over the entire country
and delivers it to THEIR desk at the WHITE HOUSE.
This modern computized panopticon gives the White House
the CHOICE to delete the info
(e.g. for DNC RICO information which is inadvertently exposed,
or to delete prior notification of terrorists like the Boston terrorists),
or to conveniently pass it on (e.g. Tea Party to IRS,
or Judge Roberts' --or other SCOTUS-- family data to Holder).
If you are forced into looking at the world through a liberal’s fuzzy-viewed narrowly-focused rose-colored glasses, are you panoptimystic, or do you need a pan-optimolorealigist to fix your mythology?