XX = girl
XY = boy
God dosen’t make mistakes.
XX = girl
XY = boy
God dosent make mistakes.
So are you saying Satan Causes Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome?
Just curious, maybe we should burn people with CAIS at the stake as witches... XY chomosomes but develop in the womb as sterile females.
What about Women with only one X chromosome ie. Turner Syndrome. Maybe we should murder them in the womb as abominations since as they don;t have two X’s or an X and a Y they obviously are neither a boy or a girl and therefore not human.
Same could be said for people with Downs too....
God doesn’t make mistakes right... So people with chromosome disorders are obviously the spawn of the devil....
Are you calling Trig Palin a spawn of satan. Maybe you should read up on genetics before you make stuipid statements.
God has a plan for everyone, even those with chromosome issues....