Ya. My life in College was boring. I was in engineering. Doubly boring.
We did have study groups and I’d go to the occasional campus activity when I wasn’t busy.
But I spent most of the time working on weekends, Spring Break (usually a take home exam or two to work on or a major project), and the Summers towards the end. Holidays were an excuse to catch up. :(
I didn’t study engineering, but did graduate with honors (not highest honors, but the entry one) while enjoying myself. I still hung out with engineering majors. By my 3rd year I learned to treat college as a job — work 8-2 (or whatever), then the rest of the day you had to yourself. Don’t waste time in the morning or early afternoon. I did the same in law school, but it was more like 8-6 with a weekend day.
My guess is that you did college in 4 years or less. There’s no shame in going for 5 years, especially in difficult majors.