BSA has maintained its "ineligible volunteer" files since the 1920s. Not to defend the BSA but to provide context - they have done remarkably well at keeping the perverts out, but have to agree that even 1 is 1 too many. BSA has never been blessed with abundant funds to screen volunteers at a high level. That's why it depends on the charter institutions, i.e., mostly churches, to help screen the adult volunteers. BSA 1st introduced its Youth Protection Training in 1987 to guard against child abuse/molestation. In 2003, BSA began conducting 3rd party, computerized criminal background checks of public records on all new adult volunteers. In 2008, a full criminal background check was made mandatory nationwide.
Right now, the 3 conservative Christian denominations in the deep South that will rebel if homosexuals are admitted are the (1) Southern Baptist Convention, (2) Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, and (3) Presbyterian Church in America. It will be interesting to watch their reactions if the vote allows for homosexual youth members.