The fact that they are Latino doesn’t mean much. Sadly, there are plenty of good old, domestic-born Americans who do this type of stuff. Remember Jaycee Dugard? Steven Stayner? Or the woman who locked her grandson in a kennel for seven years while she went to work? All Americans. There are a lot of sick people out there. There probably are children who are living in Hellish conditions right now. Its a disturbing thought that these things are going on around us even now.
That's comparing apples with oranges.
Latino con artists have people convinced they are "just here for a better life"----but their demands and their sense of entitlement is huge.
Our Congress is preparing to shower these criminal types w/ a raft of tax-paid entitlements (immigration reform). The grab*** latinos are even planning to take over the entire SW....and have stated they plan to incite bloody uprisings against Americans.
Not the case with domestic kidnappers.