I wish my father were still here, been gone 10 years. A 3 war Marine with knowledge of the principles of guerrilla warfare/resistance. I'd like to get his perspective on things here now.
I'm thinking, and this is simple opinion only as I have no claim to special knowledge of this area, that in a country like the US, as large and geographically diverse as it is, that a "revolution" or something of that order would take the form of covert resistance. Sabotage, hit & run, tactics of that nature. Death by a thousand pinpricks. Wouldn't have to be big stuff, just a lot and spread out. Like chasing horseflies. The occupying forces can never keep up with it.
I sincerely hope things never get to that stage. OTOH, the left never stops at a certain point. They never get enough. They only stop taking liberties when they are stopped.
In any such revolution it is likely at least 1/3 of Americans would be on the side of the government, not to mention most of the police, cops, etc. Since the government in power would presumably be such by winning an election, its supporters might be a considerable majority.
"Winning" such a civil war would require crushing that 1/3, which would more or less by definition mean using methods that would pretty much obviate the principles of freedom and democracy the revolutionaries are fighting for. How does one run a revolution for democratic principles against a majority?
IOW, any such war would not be a sectional war, as our "Civil War" was, but a more normal type of ideological civil war, with all the horrors of atrocity and counter-actrocity those entail.
Let's try to avoid doing this. :)