What about NIMBY’s who don’t want any more single family suburban development (and the strip malls etc that go along with them)?
Do their protests count?
The point I am trying to make is that no matter what you support or don’t support, to be credible you have to be consistent.
I don’t see the consistency. I see people applauding top-down planning when it supports what they want to see and when it doesn’t it’s the hysterical response (”We’re all going to be herded into high rise apartments).
No perspective at all. Just hypocrisy.
What you see as hypocricy may simply be people playing the game. You have the perspective of continuity. Any other audience, however, is not paying close enough attention to see it. Those playing that game you object to may see it exactly as you do but are simply saying who besides you is going to notice.
NIMBYS are concerned citizens who have organized for right and justice, most often against the corrupt money interest carpet baggers. The allegation of NIMBY is not effective in a local fight. Ive never seen it sway a local decision, especially when a room full of NIMBYs have managed to pack a city council chamber.
The cards the developers hold are one hundred dollar bills at campaign time.