I’ve never been to a Costco. We have just one dinky grocery here that is adverse to restocking empty shelves. When there’s a good national coupon out there, they’ll pull the product. Not that it should matter much since our equally dinky newspaper doesn’t have coupons and the store doesn’t accept computer printed ones. Even when they have a good weekly advertised sale, there will be an empty shelf and you have to keep buggin them and it’s like doing an illegal drug transaction by meeting the guy in the back and he’ll sneak you just one of the item. Yes, it’s a chain (HEB) and not a mom an pop so you’d think they’d have better management. And we get the seconds on produce that the larger city HEBs won’t accept. We’re in the country and I hate the store so much that I try only to go grocery shopping once a month. I forgot onions last week and am kicking myself severely. Blah, no onions for the tacos and ended up adding dehydrated onions to the buger patties but it wasn’t the same.
Foodslinger has some vids about Costco meat. His channel is here: