So I guess no Zero Dark Thirty. That bad? Everyone I talk to says must see. Same director as Hurt Locker? I might have to skip.
I bailed after a half hour.
It was tedious.
It felt like a documentary no one had bothered to edit. Maybe others will have a different reaction. My unsophisticated view is that it's always the script that makes the movie. The script determines what the audience sees, and just as important, what the audience doesn't see (all the boring and/or esoteric bits that don't advance the narrative). Most actors in multi-million dollar productions aren't just good enough, they're excellent. It's just that this script gives them very little to work with. ZDT is obviously not the only overhyped movie with a lousy script, but it's kind of disappointing, given that I was hoping to see a movie that wasn't a clone of some dry-as-dust PBS documentary.
I shut off zero dark thirty.