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To: MeneMeneTekelUpharsin

Personally, I called Chipotle onto the carpet for this fiasco with the Boy Scouts, calling it what it was, a chicken-dropping move, as when the support was promised, it was WIDELY known as to the Boy Scouts stand on letting homosexuals in to molest members. In the intervening time between the promise of support and the retraction of that support, nothing had changed.

There wasn’t a change in Chipotle’s standard, nor a change in the Boy Scouts. Withdrawing support at that point was a stunt, not ‘enforcing corporate policy.’ If the Boy Scouts had made a change in their policy, that’d be one thing. Or if Chipotle made a change in their policy - it’d be less understandable, but at least it’d be an excuse.

Instead, they pulled their support because the rump humpers decided to start harassing the company over ANY support to groups that would deny them young fresh victims. They saw the logo and went after Chipotle, and Chipotle caved.

Now, I’ve never expected Chipotle to be all full of conservative values - one glance at their menu with their ‘free range chickens’ and ‘free range pork’ kinda gives the clue that this isn’t a conservative bastion. But one thing that Chipotle has always instilled in the corporate culture - when you promise to do something, do it.

I suppose they pat themselves on the back for living up to the donation guidelines in excluding groups that disallow rump humpers membership, and here you have a conflict of policy vs promise. But the promise, up until now, has always meant more to the company.

Now I know Qdoba isn’t any better than Chipotle when it comes to polices related to rump humping, and honestly, not sure how these pro rump humping policies actually apply to providing good food (seems rather contrary to me, being how little feces are desired in food or on the hands of customers..) But at least they do not make promises of support and then pull the rug when someone sticks to their existing policy.

Joe, you’ve severely disappointed me. An honest company would have said ‘we will not provide any future support, but any existing promises of support will be honored.’

7 posted on 03/23/2013 4:29:29 AM PDT by kingu (Everything starts with slashing the size and scope of the federal government.)
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To: kingu; MeneMeneTekelUpharsin

I believe I remember that McDonald’s owns Chipotle. Anyone remember what McD’s policy toward homos is?

23 posted on 03/23/2013 5:35:03 AM PDT by Hardastarboard (Buck Off, Bronco Bama)
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To: kingu glance at their menu with their ‘free range chickens’ and ‘free range pork’ kinda gives the clue that this isn’t a conservative bastion.

What are you typing about? What does that have anything to do with the subject?


53 posted on 03/23/2013 8:11:18 AM PDT by nothingnew (I fear for my Republic due to marxist influence in our government. Open eyes/see)
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