Appears it was too late for a refracted sunlight explanation and too low for noctilucent clouds.
“Appears it was too late for a refracted sunlight explanation and too low for noctilucent clouds.
I’m a former Air Fforce meteorologist.The time of observation is less than a 45 degrees past the daylight terminator and limb of the planet. Sunlight and moonlight can become channeled between layers of atmosphere travel well around much of the planet and approach the backside or midnight sky. Noctiluceent clouds and or other clouds do not need to be within the area of observation. They can be thousands of miles away and well beyond the line of sight of the person observing the orangish light being reflected off objects and air layers that are within the observer’s line of sight. Like a desert mirage in broad daylight, you have to seee these to appreciated their ability to trick the eye and the mind.