Years ago, The American Rifleman used to publish a monthly column, The Armed Citizen, that published clippings from all over the country. I’m sure that is still done online somewhere.
If I didn’t read anything else in TAR, I read that column.
One mistake I’ve often seen Citizen Journalists make is not publishing regularly. You have to put new stuff on your blog most every day to keep folks coming back.
They start out ok, but then taper off. If no new stuff shows up on your blog, then readers quit checking on it, and readership - and credibility - declines.
It is still done where it has always been done, in the American Rifleman, and I assume, the American Hunter, two of their publications that members get(their choice one or the other)with membership. The Armed Citizen is still going strong, but you can't expect a liberal to know that or even acknowledge it.
If I didnt read anything else in TAR, I read that column.
One mistake Ive often seen Citizen Journalists make is not publishing regularly. You have to put new stuff on your blog most every day to keep folks coming back.
They start out ok, but then taper off. If no new stuff shows up on your blog, then readers quit checking on it, and readership - and credibility - declines.
Excellent response, abb. You were exactly the one to ask, even more - for the American Rifleman reference - than I had known.Pinging the FReepers who raised the original question . . .