I love how he explained how large $16.5 trillion is. How can you ignore it when he explains the magnitude of it like that? I’m trying to spread the word about him to as many people as I can. He’s planning to retire from the surgery part of his practice soon. He’s considering devoting some time to solving our country’s problems, and said that if God nudges him in that direction, he will pay attention to that call.
Yes! That was great. Tom Sowell has a great quote about that too. I’ll find it. I went over to FB and “liked” him on two pages. I’m going to post his speech there too. Thanks so much. I kept hearing his name recently, but didn’t have any idea who he was.
“Many people have trouble even forming some notion of what such numbers as billion and trillion mean. One way to get some idea of the magnitude of a trillion is to ask: How long ago was a trillion seconds? A trillion seconds ago, no one on this planet could read and write. Neither the Roman Empire nor the ancient Chinese dynasties had yet come into existence. None of the founders of the worlds great religions today had yet been born.”—Thomas Sowell September 2008