you make my point... those types of shows are not going to happen unless conservatives infiltrate the industry... terrorists know the value of infiltrating... liberals know the value--and they control the culture! conservatives as a whole instead, hole up in their ivory towers and look down at the maases--touching nobody... and so we lose... we lose our culture... we lose our country... we lose our freedome... but hey--at least we didn't associate with the gentiles... good for us!
I don't know why you say that part about holing up in ivory towers. Pretty broad generalizaion that I do not agree with. Your wish that conservatives infiltrate the entertainment industry is sort of like wishing that conservatives would infilitrat the main stream media. It's just not going to happen because both the entertainment world and the MSM are run by hardcore leftists and they have specifc agendas and messages they want to promote, and conservative and/or moral values are NOT what they want to promote. So any conservatives trying to infiltrate either group to change it will fail.
The only way to get a conservative and morally principled message out is for conservatives to start their own media/entertainment companies. There is no other way. You work for the (leftist/depraved) boss, you do what he tells you. It's that simple.