That was how it was before political correctness took over.
Exactly right.
People, even kids, behaved this way naturally, w/o having to be threatened or lectured that they’d BETTER behave that way,
OR ELSE! This was 50 years ago ,when there was STILL such a
worthwhile construct as “The Liberal Conscience”, which has by now turned totally rancid.
PC is a deep perversion that originates in a completely unearned moral authority:Lib/Lefties search every nook and cranny of the behavior of their political opponents to find “proof” of small-minded bigotry, because without it, how could they feel righteous, bold, brave and “progressive”? Frankly there’s been nothing more maddening in my lifetime than the toxic growth and instutionalization of PC.Left unchecked, it’s the first phase of mind control, and a jackboot on the face of free speech.