For me, without a warrant, whatever they learned from the cameras is inadmissible. There is no difference between a covert camera and a wire-tap.
I don't like druggies and I don't like drug dealers. But private property means private property. You have no right to surveil a private citizen without probable cause and if its on his property, a warrant.
I don't like druggies and I don't like drug dealers. But private property means private property. You have no right to surveil a private citizen without probable cause and if its on his property, a warrant.
I agree. This is a price of The War On Drugs and freedom and rights wise the cost has now become too great. There was very likely more illicit drugs being used by officials in Washington, DC in the past weekend than all persons living in the entire state of Wisconsin in the past month. The allowance of property forfeitures in the W.O.D. needs to be stopped by federal law. Once that is ended many of the abuses will end as well.
I also believe the time has come for the Judaical Branch of government except the USSC to be elected by We The People and USSC terms limited to one term of twelve years. We need term limits in a three branches of government.