If you’ve got a good doctor who will keep close tabs on you and you have a good relationship with him they should be fine. I’m assuming that you would also know if there was a problem and needed to quit taking them (slowly)
I would also like to see at least one knowledgeable family member monitor an individual beginning antidepressant therapy, looking for rapid mood swings and uncharacteristic behavior. I know from personal experience it is difficult to recognize these changes in one's self.
needed to quit taking them (slowly)
I would also concur on the slow withdrawal. Under no circumstances should the antidepressant patient discontinue abruptly, even if the doctor says so (unless hospitalized). Wise patients will taper down over what seems like a ridiculously prolonged period, to maybe 1/10 tablet. Again, I speak from personal experience on (SSRI/SNRI) discontinuation syndrome.