Actually I think post 50 should have given you a clue about how people came to the conclusion of the superiority of the individual German soldier over 70 years of looking at data and breaking down details of losses and assets and so on, but when you argue that you counted tombstones, or post disputed gross totals for the entire war, I’m not interested in getting into more wasted time with you.
You don’t know much about Glock, and you don’t like it. I understand why you say the things you do, a lot better now than when I first posted to you.
I have zero doubt that the Germans lost, big time. Warms the cockles of my heart -they were despicable. Conversely, I congratulate those Allied men who had the courage to wipe that nest of vipers out -and liberate the few survivors of their infamy. As far your Glock goes, enjoy - but life is too short to put up with a ugly pistol.