I don't see it happening. You're right it is a work of God and if it were to happen I would be rejoicing in it. The other side of this is as darkness sweeps the land and the world I'm motivated to share The Gospel more.
I just finished a book by Mark Steyn, " After America". It is the follow up to "America Alone". I highly recommend it. The big question no one has considered is how will the world look after the collapse of the American Empire.
I believe the decline of the USA is locked in. We have a whole bunch of reasons demographics, education, socialism and secularism/humanism. The ongoing attack on Christianity and the importance of GOD in our lives is the linchpin. Once the socialists destroy the importance of our faith replacing GOD with govt will be easy. From what I've seen 7 day a week Christians are already a minority so I don't expect the country to recognize how far we've fallen and our need to seek GOD.
Look at how we've turned our backs on our Judeo Christian heritage. We steal from one group to give to another group. We don't expect people to work for their food. We don't value life. We don't respect marriage, or how GOD wants us to have sexual relationships. We expect govt to replace our churches in helping those in need. The end result is what we have is a people who look first to govt to solve every perceived problem.
The socialist are achieving everything they want. Because of the unwillingness of Americans to "give back" any of their benefits (conservatives included) our military will be cut by 50% over the next 10 yrs. Because we sell so many bonds to China to pay for our deficits they now are financing their military budget/expansion with our interest payments to them. Manufacturing has declined in the USA because we need to "make business pay it's fair share" and unions have artificially inflated labor costs. At some point our military decline and economic decline will lead to our standard of living declining and being impacted by the decision making of other nations.
The socialists are so immature in their critical reasoning that they don't understand that as the USA declines the world will decline because those nations that will replace us do not have a Judeo Christian heritage. Also, as the world declines they will in turn blame this decline on the USA and the USA will be like Israel, alone and under attack from all sides.
There’s a huge piece of me that believes everything you just wrote, Wm.
At the same time, 2 things draw my attention:
1. The Grace of God. For, “Where iniquity doth abound, grace doth much more abound.”
2. The fury of the attack by the powers and principalities against Christians can only mean that they sense that through Christ we are still very, very dangerous.