Granny's threads really were an inspiration to me prior to our move to the country, and reading those threads did contribute to the idea that not only did I want to have my own homestead, but that I could.
No matter where you live, apartment in a big city, house in town, or mobile home in the country, there are things you can do today to give yourself and those around you more food security. I don't consider myself a "prepper"; too doom and gloom, all those ideals make me anxious.
I am a homesteader, and it is a way of life. It changes your life, the way you live it, and how you see things.
It is not political, although 40 years ago it was mostly liberal hippies going back to the land, and now it is mostly conservatives and libertarians who simply want more control over their own lives.
Plant a seed. Buy a couple of hens. Find a local farmer you can do business with. Baby steps. Your health will thank you!
I'll create a ping list of sorts, and post it here so that you all can use it/refer to it as you see fit, unless one of you want to be the boss of this thread. :)
Thanks hun.
Thanks for creating the Granny memorial thread, teenyelliott.
I’m pinging the old list I had for granny’s threads. There may be double entries with those you already pinged; sorry to those getting pinged twice.
To Granny, God rest her soul.