It’s time to deflect this onto violent entertainment media—like Tarantino and bloody video games.
Without question violent video games contribute to this culture of violence. They desensitize to the actual death of another living being
I’m not prepared to give up an ounce of personal liberty over the actions of a psychopath. not even a score of psychopaths.
And the GOP could do that... by raising taxes on Hollywood. Eliminating favorable expense and profit-hiding loopholes in the tax code.
The GOP, if they wanted, could put quite a bit of Hollywood out of business or make it much less profitable than it is today. Much less profit means much less disposable income which can be gifted to liberals and liberal groups.
But the GOP continues to hew to this stupid “no new taxes” pledge, foreswearing the political power that comes with the tax code.
Grover Norquist needs to be disposed of. He’s a at best a nuisance, at worst a salafist quisling.