Sorry, games made by Hollywood have mostly sucked.
Making them an “excellent and convenient scapegoat” would be lowering ourselves to the level of the leftists.
They are only bad when people have other major issues and or deficiencies, much like many other things.
You won't see how ill the effects of these games are unless you spend a significant amount of time with developing teens who play them. They are as bad as porn.
Being a 1st Amendment type, I don't seek to regulate or shut them down. But being a 1st Amendment type, I am perfectly free to comment on the deleterious effect they have on young people and society--like drugs and porn and gambling. They take the place of real life to too many people; they're like Soma in Brave New World.
And we'd better find some scapegoats of our own to stop the momentum of the leftists who want to render us unarmed.
I don't have any problem knowing myself to be better than filthy leftists.
At some point, we're going to have to learn how to fight back. Bloody entertainment is Hollywood, and Hollywood hates us and wants to ruin our lives. So attack bloody entertainment when they try to blame us for the actions of some game-addled, drug-addled loser who goes postal.
Or let them get your personal protection.