The author’s thesis is that preppers are hated because they make non-preppers question their assumptions about their faith in the system, which makes them uncomfortable. I think that’s true, but I also think that’s incomplete.
Prepper’s are also hated because prepping is an outward sign of self-sufficiency, i.e., an expression of a person’s willingness to give up his stake in the system. The prepper says, “I am prepared for the worst, and as a result, while I don’t wish misfortune on you, I don’t much care whether your system fails.” That scares the bejeezus out of the typical liberal - the noting that strong-willed, independent, productive people are willing to unplug themselves from their system. Prepping is a essentially an expression of the willingness to “go Galt”, and those who depend on others for their existance find that prosepect terrifying.
Also see this as a setup to brand the ones that did not fall for the dependency trap. Those are the ones the communists purge first because they fear the truth. They can kill off the preppers handing out their “hoard” to the sheeple till its gone and play hero, as they kill off those who would naturally be the leaders of the counter insurrection.
When it is all over the sheeple still starve, but now their leaders are gone and they are easy prey. With this prepper propaganda, they feed the lazy with the idea if you know where someone is surviving well, tell us and we will give his stash to you.
That way the weak turn in and help pull down the strong, and society is destroyed quicker. Morality is the enemy of Socialism, and only those prepared can fight back.
It is really quite ingenious in an evil sort of way.