Posted on 12/05/2012 4:14:50 PM PST by ExxonPatrolUs
US President Barack Obama speaks on the fiscal cliff negotiations and business relations during the Washington Business Roundtable in Washington.
President Obama's lead negotiator in the "fiscal cliff" talks said the administration is "absolutely" willing to allow the package of deep automatic spending cuts and across-the-board tax hikes to take effect Jan. 1, unless Republicans drop their opposition to higher income tax rates on the wealthy.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said in an interview with CNBC that both sides are "making a little bit of progress" toward a deal to avert the "cliff" but remain stuck on Obama's desired rate increase for the top U.S. income-earners.
"There's no prospect for an agreement that doesn't involve those rates going up on the top two percent of the wealthiest," Geithner said.
Most House Republicans, including Speaker John Boehner, remain opposed to any increase in tax rates.
Obama and Boehner spoke by phone this afternoon, their first conversation in exactly one week, an administration official said. Their relations have grown frosty in recent days as both sides have dug in on the issue of higher rates.
In separate appearances earlier today, Obama and Boehner publicly sparred over who's to blame for the standoff and what to do if lawmakers can't reach a broad deficit-reduction agreement in 27 days.
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Willing should be changed EAGER
The “Fiscal Cliff” is little more than political kabuki theatre , and it occurs every year in January.
The “Fiscal Cliff” was created by the same OBozo who hasn’t passed a budget in the last four years. That’s leadership from behind !
One thing I know for sure about Barry Benghazi. He doesn’t shive a git what happens to America and Americans. It’s all about him. As long as Barry is getting his, he don’t care about anybody else. He’s the most selfish bass turd that I’ve ever seen in my life.
Eager to be able to blame Pubs. But then wouldn’t their disgust at Pub indifference to grandparents eating dog food lose its credibility when we look back upon how they, too, were willing to do it? Oh yeah, the MSM won’t look back. This very article will go down the memory hole. I am conscious right now of living in a present which will never become a past. Funny thing.
Perhaps SEAL Team 6 is on standby to ‘eliminate’ the Republican Congressional leadership? But, GM is still alive, right?
Slap a few JATOs on Thelma and Louise’s Thunderbird and make that beauty FLY.
We already went off the November, 2008.
What happens to those who do “blind leaps”?
It is interesting that Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover are blamed for the Great Depression.
No matter what happens in history, the leader ALWAYS will get the blame.
Obama will make short term shrift of the the GOP, but he will be known forever and ever in the books as the President who caused the greatest economic disaster in history.
Not Boehner, who will be a mere footnote, but Obama who will be described as a complete disaster.
and just think, this is all about the ego of one man - barack obama -who wants this tax increase for ideological reasons
have we fallen down a rabbit hole?
Let’s go. Hold on.
Yep. It’s something I can’t understand. How is Obama going to create a Socialist Workers Paradise with a 16 trillion dollar national debt? There’s no money to pay for it. And what happens when the government reaches the end of the money? Then we become like Greece. And aren’t the Greeks rioting in the streets against the government that failed them?
So Obama and Progressives are on a path of self destruction. Don’t they see that? Or is my scenario flawed?
Some help me here.
I’m gobsmacked by it all.
China and the Asian countries made an utter fool of Obama at the Asian meeting. The media didn’t see fit to broadcast that fact.
China is making a lot of currency deals with Asia, South America and Africa and today it was announced that South Korea would be trading in Yuan.
The whole thing is going to blow. I know the GS boys and other masters of the universe seem to think they are able to contain any manner of financial damage, but I think they are terrified.
I think Obama and his boys are terrified.
If the game is to create a one-world currency, they may get it. But frankly, I don’t buy into conspiracies. I do buy into greed and extreme self-interest and that is what has happened.
This “Cliff” is minor compared to what is coming and there isn’t any answer for it.
Obama will go down in history but not the way he would like.
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